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Professional Website Maintenance

We've Made Our Mark on Web Maintenance

Today, September 27, 2013, marks the day we take website maintenance prime time!

Our new website maintenance website has launched:


We've been doing website maintenance for years and years now (as a company, we're in our 13th year) but today we launch our separate website made just for website maintenance clients.

This part of our business has been very successful. Every day we hear comments like:

  • "Thanks! That was quick"
  • "Thank you for the quick response!"
  • "That was easy. Thank you!"

We get clients not only from the Madison, WI area but from all over the United States and even around the world. We have clients in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and South America. Our system works so well that we do not need to meet with our maintenance clients face to face. Our team gets it, they ask questions, they make things clear and they get the work done... period! (ok, exclamation point)

Many of our website maintenance clients become website project clients. They love how we do the little things for them and they then turn to us for new website projects because of how comfortable they are working with us. Some don't even put out bids anywhere else - it's a no brainer!

If you have been looking for help doing website updates, maintenance and website software upgrades, look no further - you're found the right place to come to. We've been doing this for years and we have it down!

Try Us!

Hey, we even have an offer for first time customers where you can try our services. You can get 1 hour of work (2 Maintenance Blocks) for just $47 or 2 hours of work (4 Maintenance Blocks) for only $87. If the work isn't done right, we'll fix it... guaranteed!

Check Out Our New Website!

We just launched a new website maintenance website that is using responsive website design and is slicker than a... than a... well, it's slick!

Bottom line... give us a chance. We have many happy clients and we'd like to count you as one of them, too!


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What Our Clients Say

“Your company and its professionalism are proof positive that distance truly does not matter when completing a large project such as this.”
-Julie Hilliger
Malcolm-Eaton Enterprises
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Webstix in Madison, WI
730 Rayovac Drive
Madison, WI 53711
Webstix in Michigan
580 E Napier Ave.
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Webstix in Indiana
316 E Monroe St
South Bend, IN 46601