Your website is actually running software if you are using a Content Management System or any kind of script (versus just having static, HTML pages) - even if there's just a tiny script that just sends you an email from a form.
This includes websites running WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Dot Net Nuke and Drupal. With the way websites are made today, this is virtually all websites out there. And not only is just the core software but also any and all plugins/extensions that are installed as well. They all make up your website.
That said, your Joomla website that is running on an outdated software stands a good chance for a potential hacker to break in to your website because of previously reported hacks in the software and hitherto reported holes. So, this means the security of your website is not up to date unless you upgrade your software.
If you run your website with potential vulnerability and stay at the old version you run the greater risk of loosing your website for few days. For, if the website is hacked, and depending on the severity of the hack we may either have to clean the hack or take down the site completely till we fix the issue.
The cost of cleaning and fixing the hack after it has happened will be higher than the preventative measure of upgrading the software in a timely manner.
Even so, there are so many other compelling reasons for upgrading your Joomla website to the latest version of Joomla 2.5.x.
To upgrade your version of Joomla, please contact Webstix to get a quote.