MS Dynamics AX Integration

Microsoft Dynamics logoMicrosoft Dynamics AX is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform that can help your business run more smoothly and efficiently by integrating your ledger, currency, bank management, sales tax, and similar accounting functions into a single Web-based system. As well, it can interface with your sales & marketing, CRMS, inventory management, human resource operations, and beyond.

As an example, if you have an e-commerce website and take orders online, it makes sense to have your “shopping cart” connect with an Dynamics AX system. Thus, you avoid the time and expense of sorting through website orders and entering them by hand into another system, where errors can occur.

Similarly, if you have an e-commerce website that uses Magento, then orders and other data from that system can go directly into Dynamics AX , thereby streamlining your order flow.

We have extensive experience and expertise integrating Dynamics AX into different kinds of e-commerce websites—both large and small.

Contact Webstix today to learn how we can integrate your e-commerce website with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

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