We've been researching PageSpeed how to get high scores quite a bit this year. We've been able to achieve 100/100 scores for mobile, desktop and user experience with websites we've bee launching and for websites that are about to launch. That's great because this is one thing Google is saying needs to be done and they even give you a tool to check it. Why in the world wouldn't you care about your PageSpeed score as a website owner? You need every advantage you can get.
One thing we at Webstix have found that is a PageSpeed score killer are these code snippets you get from Facebook and Twitter for your website. They display your latest posts right there. These snippets are bad.
You would think that since it's Facebook and Twitter and since they have so many servers that it wouldn't matter but it's another website that needs to be checked as the page renders. It means one more DNS lookup. It also means that those servers might not be as optimized as your own website can be. Basically, you want as much of this in your control as possible.
Does this mean you can't have the latest Facebook and Twitter updates on your website? No, you certainly can. It just needs to be done in a smart way where that code they provide isn't used. You have to use the API method, which is like a back door into Facebook and Twitter. It's a way to get the same data but your website can check it anytime (not just as pages load) and then cache that data so that all requests on a page are coming from your server.
When you use that method, your website loads faster and you get a higher Google PageSpeed score.
The more our clients are educated about how things work, the better they understand all that we do. It's kind of like your mechanic explaining what's going on with your car without using technical jargon. You understand it and feel better about using that mechanic.
We can optimize websites we didn't even create. We've done this a number of times. Contact us and get a quote - there's no obligation.
If we say we can get your website a green score (90 and above), then we will - guaranteed!