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Drupal 7.101 Released

Drupal 7.101 is Out

Maintenance release of the Drupal 7 series. Includes bug fixes and small API/feature improvements only (no major, non-backwards-compatible new functionality).

Drupal 7.101 Release (drupal.org)

No security fixes are included in this release.

Changes have been made to default.settings.php and .htaccess. More details in the Change Records for major changes below.

No changes have been made to web.config or robots.txt files in this release, so upgrading custom versions of those files is not necessary.

As always, many thanks to everyone that contributed to this release of Drupal 7.

Major changes in 7.101:

  • Missing or non-existent entity controller class now throws an EntityMalformedException in Drupal 7
  • Archive_Tar now uses 775 permissions by default when creating directories in Drupal 7
  • Added fix for duplicate X-Content-Type-Options headers with value nosniff to .htaccess in Drupal 7
  • CLI tools that cause a fatal error now exit with an error status in Drupal 7

Thank you,

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