Affordable Website Management Services Company in WI USA, Web Maintenance Checklist, Pricing

Affordable Website Management Services Company in WI USA, Web Maintenance Checklist, Pricing

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Website Content Updates

I got a call today and she was asking if we do website content updates and what the difference is between website maintenance and updating content (text, images, downloads) on a website. Good question! Website maintenance might include things like updating the software the runs the website or maybe creating a form or changing the …

Spring Clean Your Website

It’s spring now and I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood to do some spring cleaning! Here in Wisconsin, we had a brutal winter and it’s’ nice to open up some windows and get some fresh air in! It’s also time to update that website if you haven’t done it in a …

Hire Us Until You’re Ready for Your Own Website Management Team

If you need updates done to your website (content, software, images, PDF files, etc.), then it makes sense to hire a website maintenance team like we have here at Webstix. We can certainly get the work done quickly and efficiently. Then, eventually, you can hire your own website staff when your business is ready. On …

I Like These Testimonials

Here’s another, great testimonial that we got today. This happens all the time but I like this one in particular because it’s one of our new clients: Thank you so much for resolving this issue for us! we’ll absolutely utilize your services again! Have a great day! If you need website maintenance work done, then …

What are the Costs of Website Maintenance?

When you think about the costs of website maintenance, you can think of this two ways. First, what are the costs of having it done – and second, what are the costs of not doing it? The Cost of Not Updating Your Website The cost of not updating your website is bigger than you think. …

Keeping Website Software Up to Date

Keeping your website’s software up to date is important. If you neglect to do that, you open your website up to being compromised. No software is secure. Anything can be hacked. Once an exploit is known and the patch or update is not applied, you have a much greater chance of being hacked or compromised. …

Website Development Maintenance for Businesses and Organizations

Most companies and organizations today find it difficult to handle making changes to their website themselves for a few reasons. First, there’s no time to do it. Second, it’s not the easiest thing to do (things can easily get messed up). Third, there’s no time to do it. This is why people are on the …

Website Maintenance Definition

Sometimes people ask what the definition of “website maintenance” really is. Here’s how we would define it: Performing all the tasks necessary to keep a website up to date and in good, working order so that it works and shows up correctly with the latest web browsers and mobile devices. For example: Changing website content …

10 Point Website Maintenance Checklist

What to Make Sure is Maintained on Your Website When you own a website – be it personal website or business website, there are a number of things you must do in order to maintain it. Here is a list of 10 of those items with an explanation of what needs to be done to …

Website Maintenance Cost Per Hour

What Should Your Website Maintenance Budget Be? One thing to consider when owning a website is the cost of ownership. There are website hosting costs, costs for upgrades to website software and website maintenance costs. Your business website needs to be kept up to date, after all. Web maintenance will have to get done by …