Affordable Website Management Services Company in WI USA, Web Maintenance Checklist, Pricing

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Looking for Good Webmaster Services

Are you looking for someone to help you maintain your website?

Do you have some updates that need to be done?

web-guyThis is a common thing – you have a website but just need some help updating it since the content on it is old/outdated and needs to be refreshed.

When you update your website, you’re not only giving your customers and potential customers better information, the search engines see that you’re properly maintaining your website and they WANT to rank those kinds of websites higher.

In order to get these updates done, you need Webmaster services!

What are Webmaster Services?

With webmaster services, you can have a variety of things done, such as:

  • Add new content/pages
  • Add images or update images
  • Upload files and link them to pages
  • Post new events/schedules
  • Change staff listings/information
  • Change slideshow images
  • Add new products or remove products from your website
  • Change the email address that the forms go to
  • Update your website’s software to protect against compromises
  • Make sure your site map is up to date
  • Change the logo or add a new tag line
  • Clean up pages
  • Fix the design so that it looks right in different browsers
  • Make the design work well for mobile website visitors (mobile responsive)

That’s just a sample of things that we can do for you. As a business owner or someone that works at a business, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense to try to learn how to do all of this yourself – just have an expert team do it for you.

How Much Does it Cost?

With our webmaster services, the price is about $115 per hour but there are discounts.

If you pre-pay, you can get discounts on website maintenance. By pre-paying for 6 half hour blocks (which is 3 hours total), you get a 15% discount. The discounts continue all the way up to 35% off, too!

Check out the pricing here.

How Long Does it Take?

What we’ll do is look at your request and then get access to your website so that we can “look under the hood” basically – kind of like how a car mechanic needs access to the car in order to fix it. We’ll then get you a quote. You can buy your Maintenance Blocks and then we’ll have the work done in just 24-48 hours… so, pretty fast!

Other updates that require more work could take longer, but you’re really just looking at a day or two and your webmaster work is done and off your “to-do” list!

What if There are Problems?

That answer is easy – we want your business, so if there are problems, we’ll fix them! Enough said.

There’s really no risk! We’ll take care of you and help you with the webmaster services that you’re looking for.


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